
  1. Today, 21st July 2024, is breakfast Sunday. It is organized by the Altar servers. Breakfast will be served at nominal rates after all the morning masses. The proceeds will be used for the Catechetical Ministry.
  2. Next Sunday 28th July 2024, Grandparents day will be celebrated in our Parish. A special mass will be offered for Grandparents at 9.30 a.m. followed by a short program in the Big Hall.
  3. Children who have received their First Holy Communion and who wish to join as Altar Servers, Kindly give your names and contact number in the church office latest by 28th July.
  4. Youth who wish to join the HFC Parish Youth, Kindly give your names and WhatsApp number in the church office latest by 28th July.
  5. There is a notice from the village panchayat Socorro. For details kindly refer to the notice board.

Thank you and God bless.

Fr. Caetano Fernandes

Parish Priest
